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Haryana Super 100 - Square Root and Cube Root - Quantitative Aptitude (MCQ) questions

Writer: Shivam VermaShivam Verma

Dear Readers, Welcome to Quantitative Aptitude Square Root and Cube Root questions and answers with explanation. These Square Root and Cube Root solved examples with shortcuts and tricks will help you learn and practice for your Placement Test and competitive exams like Bank PO, IBPS PO, SBI PO, RRB PO, RBI Assistant, LIC,SSC, MBA - MAT, XAT, CAT, NMAT, UPSC, NET, Super 100 HARYANA, BUNIYAAD SCHEME HARYANA, SUPER 100 NDA, NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA etc.

Haryana Super 100 Exam Preparation

To pass the Super 100 Haryana exam, it is mandatory to play the quiz and answer the questions given in the quiz. All the quotes in this quiz are made keeping in mind the Super 100 Haryana entrance exam. Here we will tell you how we can crack the Super 100 Haryana Exam. You will be given all the math questions in the Super 100 Haryana exam on our website. Subscribe to our website to prepare for Super 100 Haryana.

After practicing these tricky Square Root and Cube Root multiple choice questions, you will be exam ready to deal with any objective type questions.

1. By what least number should we multiply 1008 to make it a perfect square?

1008 को पूर्ण वर्ग बनाने के लिए हमें किस छोटी से छोटी संख्या से गुणा करना चाहिए?

a. 8

b. 7

c. 2

d. 5


2. (8.01)^2 + ? = (8.97)^2 What will approximately come in place of question mark?

(8.01)^2 + ? = (8.97)^2 प्रश्नवाचक चिह्न के स्थान पर लगभग क्या आएगा?

a. 13

b. 14

c. 19

d. 16


3. (0.4)2 + (0.2)2 = ?

a. 0.04

b. 0.4

c. 0.06

d. 0.2


4. Four-fifth of one-eighth of 3/4th of A is 64. What is the cube root of 3/5th of A?

A के 3/4 के एक-आठवें का चार-पांचवां भाग 64 है। A के 3/5 का घनमूल क्या है?

a. 5

b. 8

c. 3

d. 4


5. Sum of squares of two numbers is 145. If square root of one number is 3, find the other number.

दो संख्याओं के वर्गों का योग 145 है। यदि एक संख्या का वर्गमूल 3 है, तो दूसरी संख्या ज्ञात कीजिए।

a. 136

b. 9

c. 64

d. 8


6. What is smallest number with which 5400 may be multiplied so that the product is perfect cube?

वह सबसे छोटी संख्या कौन सी है जिससे 5400 को गुणा किया जाए ताकि गुणनफल पूर्ण घन हो?

a. 5

b. 3

c. 4

d. 6


7. What is the difference between 1500 and nearest perfect square number?

1500 और निकटतम पूर्ण वर्ग संख्या के बीच क्या अंतर है?

a. 131

b. 100

c. 56

d. None of the above


8. What least number should be multiplied with 384 to make it a perfect square?

384 को पूर्ण वर्ग बनाने के लिए किस न्यूनतम संख्या को 384 से गुणा किया जाना चाहिए?

a. 3

b. 6

c. 2

d. 8


9. What is 225^2 ?

225^2 क्या है?

a. 50225

b. 50125

c. 55225

d. 50625


10. Ramesh arranged his 17424 chocolates in such a way that there are as many rows as there are chocolates in each row. How many chocolates did he place in each row?

रमेश ने अपनी 17424 चॉकलेटों को इस प्रकार व्यवस्थित किया कि प्रत्येक पंक्ति में उतनी ही पंक्तियाँ हैं जितनी चॉकलेट हैं। उसने प्रत्येक पंक्ति में कितनी चॉकलेट रखीं?

a. 138

b. 132

c. 141.2

d. 145.8



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