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Mastering Practical Geometry: Mission Buniyaad Haryana Entrance Exam Math Quizzes

Writer's picture: Komal SharmaKomal Sharma

Welcome to, your trusted source for Mission Buniyaad Haryana Entrance Exam Math Quizzes. In this blog post, we'll explore the fascinating world of Practical Geometry, a vital topic that plays a significant role in acing your upcoming entrance exam.


Practical Geometry Unveiled

Practical Geometry, often referred to as "Construction," is a cornerstone of geometry, and a fundamental skill that every math enthusiast should master. This topic is not just about understanding shapes and figures but also about creating them with precision.

The Significance of Practical Geometry

Understanding Practical Geometry is vital for several reasons:

  1. Real-Life Applications: Practical Geometry has real-life applications in fields like architecture, engineering, and design. It helps in creating accurate blueprints, diagrams, and layouts.

  2. Logical Thinking: Practical Geometry challenges your logical thinking and problem-solving skills. It requires a systematic approach to constructing geometrical figures with precision.

  3. Entrance Exam Relevance: Mission Buniyaad Haryana Entrance Exam often includes questions related to Practical Geometry. A strong grasp of this topic can significantly boost your score.

Key Concepts in Practical Geometry

Let's explore some of the key concepts within Practical Geometry that you need to master for your entrance exam:

1. Basic Constructions:

  • Constructing a Line Segment of a Given Length

  • Bisecting a Line Segment

  • Constructing an Angle of a Given Measurement

2. Triangular Constructions:

  • Constructing an Equilateral Triangle

  • Constructing a Right-Angled Triangle

  • Constructing an Isosceles Triangle

3. Quadrilateral Constructions:

  • Constructing a Square

  • Constructing a Rectangle

  • Constructing a Parallelogram

4. Circles and Tangents:

  • Constructing a Circle with a Given Radius

  • Constructing Tangents to a Circle from a Point Outside the Circle

Preparing for Mission Buniyaad Haryana Entrance Exam

To excel in your entrance exam, it's essential to combine theory with practical application. Here's how you can approach Practical Geometry:

1. Understand the Basics: Ensure you have a strong understanding of the fundamental concepts, including tools such as a compass and ruler.

2. Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you practice constructing various figures, the more confident you'll become. Try different scenarios and exercises to hone your skills.

3. Visualize: Before you start a construction, take a moment to visualize the steps involved. A clear mental picture can make the construction process smoother.

The Power of Quizzes

To help you grasp Practical Geometry effectively, we've included quizzes on our website. These quizzes not only test your knowledge but also provide instant feedback, helping you identify areas that may need improvement.

1. एक वर्ग बनाने के लिए, हमें यह जानना आवश्यक है:

a) सभी आंतरिक कोण

b) सभी भुजाओं की लंबाई

c) केवल एक आंतरिक कोण

d) केवल एक भुजा की लंबाई

उत्तर: (d)

2. एक समांतर चतुर्भुज बनाने के लिए हमें यह जानना आवश्यक है:

a) इसकी समानांतर भुजाओं की लंबाई

b) आंतरिक कोणों का माप

c) दो आसन्न भुजाएँ और एक कोण

d) दो आसन्न भुजाएँ और दो कोण

उत्तर: (c)

3. एक आयत बनाने के लिए, हमें यह जानना होगा:

a) सभी आंतरिक कोण

b) सभी भुजाएँ

c) केवल लंबाई और चौड़ाई

d) केवल एक कोण माप

उत्तर: (c)

4. यदि दो विकर्ण दिए गए हैं, तो हम निम्नलिखित की रचना कर सकते हैं:

a) समचतुर्भुज

b) आयत

c) पतंग

d) समांतर चतुर्भुज

उत्तर: (a)

5. चतुर्भुज के निर्माण के लिए उपयुक्त शर्त क्या है?

a) जब चार भुजाएँ और एक विकर्ण दिया गया हो

b) जब तीन भुजाएँ और एक विकर्ण दिया गया हो

c) जब दो भुजाएँ और एक विकर्ण दिया गया हो

d) उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं

उत्तर: (a)

6. यदि दो विकर्ण और तीन भुजाएं दी गई हैं, तो:

a) एक चतुर्भुज का निर्माण नहीं किया जा सकता

b) एक चतुर्भुज का निर्माण किया जा सकता है

c) अपर्याप्त जानकारी

d) किसी भी बहुभुज का निर्माण किया जा सकता है

उत्तर: (b)

7. एक चतुर्भुज बनाने के लिए, हमें दो आसन्न भुजाएँ और ___कोण जानने की आवश्यकता है।

a) एक

b) दो

c) तीन

d) सभी चार कोण

उत्तर: (c)

8. एक चतुर्भुज बनाने के लिए, हमें दो विकर्णों और ___ भुजाओं को जानना आवश्यक है।

a) एक

b) दो

c) तीन

d) सभी चार भुजाएँ

उत्तर: (c)

9. एक चतुर्भुज बनाने के लिए, हमें तीन भुजाओं और ___ सम्मिलित कोणों को जानना होगा।

a) एक

b) दो

c) तीन

d) सभी चार कोण

उत्तर: (b)

10. एक चतुर्भुज को अद्वितीय रूप से बनाने के लिए कितने मापों की आवश्यकता होती है?

a) चार

b) पांच

c) छह

d) तीन

उत्तर: (b)

1. To draw a square, we need to know:

a) all interior angles

b) length of all sides

c) only one interior angle

d) length of only one side

Answer: (D)

2. To draw a parallelogram we need to know:

a) the length of its parallel sides

b) measurement of interior angles

c) two adjacent sides and an angle

d) two adjacent sides and two angles

Answer: (c)

3. To draw a rectangle, we need to know:

a) all interior angles

b) all sides

c) Length and breadth only

d) Only one angle measurement

Answer: (c)

4. If two diagonals are given, we can construct the following:

a) rhombus

b) rectangle

c) kite

d) parallelogram

Answer: (A)

5. What is the appropriate condition for the construction of a quadrilateral?

a) When four sides and one diagonal are given

b) When there are three sides and one diagonal has been given

c) When two sides and one diagonal are given

d) none of the above

Answer: (A)

6. If two diagonals and three sides are given, then:

a) A quadrilateral cannot be constructed

b) A quadrilateral can be constructed

c) insufficient information

d) Any polygon can be constructed

Answer: (B)

7. To draw a quadrilateral, we need to know two adjacent sides and ___ angle.

A) one

b) two

c) three

D) all four angles

Answer: (c)

8. To draw a quadrilateral, we need to know two diagonals and ___ sides.

A) one

b) two

c) three

D) all four sides

Answer: (c)

9. To draw a quadrilateral, we need to know three sides and ___ included angles.

A) one

b) two

c) three

D) all four angles

Answer: (B)

10. How many measurements are required to construct a quadrilateral uniquely?

A) four

B) five

c) six

D) three

Answer: (B)

In Conclusion

Practical Geometry is more than just lines and shapes; it's a skill that empowers you to create and understand the world around you. By mastering Practical Geometry, you'll not only excel in your Mission Buniyaad Haryana Entrance Exam but also gain a valuable life skill.

Explore our quizzes and resources on to sharpen your Practical Geometry skills and set yourself on the path to success in your entrance exam. Good luck on your mission!


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